Wanderers, you have arrived.

Where, exactly? Only the next plane of hazy, delicious IPA existence, of course. It’s time to meet the Mind Wanderer, your guide through the haze and the keeper of juicy truths.

You have been called to a higher purpose, to join a society built on the love of Mind Haze, where every sip expands the horizon of possibility. Click play on the video below for your full briefing, and then read on to learn more about your journey to transcendence, enlightenment, and lusciously hazy, tropical flavor.

It’s time to open your mind and expand your palate with Mind Haze IPA, Cosmic Crusher IPA, and Brain Melter Imperial Hazy IPA. One is a golden wave of mango, citrus, and pineapple, carrying you gently into the unknown. The other will launch your senses into orbit with cosmic hops and interstellar juiciness. And the last bends your reality with juicy intensity, dissolving your earthly ego one sip at a time.

The haze is all around us. Beneath us, within us, but mostly in this delicious beer.

Mind Haze isn’t just a beer, it’s a calling. This is only the beginning, however, and you can continue your journey with our Beer Finder.