Bramblin' on my Mind - Firestone Walker Brewing Company

Bramblin’ on my Mind

American Wild Ale with Marionberries

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Bramblin’ on my Mind


A spin on the original SLOambic


375 ml bottles

Behind the Beer

Bramblin’ On My Mind is an ode to our original Barrelworks fruited wild ale, SLOambic.

First produced in 2009 using a little-known local blackberry called the olallieberry, only 240 gallons of SLOambic were released, and it became an instant classic. Over the years, we have recreated this beer using different blackberry variants and magnified its character with more and more fruit. Bramblin’ On My Mind is a unique interpretation of the original idea. This time, we added organic marionberries at an impressive three pounds per gallon of beer. This is 100% berry to bottle! Bramblin’

On My Mind summons an unmistakable jammy bouquet; that of a freshly-picked blackberry basket – right to your table.

Followed by rich and opulent berry flavors and subtle oak tannins, this beer will be on your mind from beginning to end.


This time, we added organic marionberries at an impressive three pounds per gallon of beer. This is 100% berry to bottle!

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