Our head brewer, Dustin Kral, is as authentic as they come. He’s a family man, avid fisherman and lover of craft beer. He sat down with our friends at Beer Paper LA to talk all-things brewing and how he got the nickname as our “Brew Captain”.
Read the full article here.

— Dustin Kral, head brewerI consider myself someone who started in the industry with no talent, but a strong work ethic and it is with that I gained the trust of my mentors whose work improved my talent.
As a native Californian with deep roots on the central coast and a passion for living a laid-back lifestyle, Dustin made for a perfect ambassador to our sister brand, 805 Beer.
Everyone follows a different path to make life interesting and Dustin is no exception. Head brewer by trade and recreational Deep-Sea fisherman by choice. When he’s not posted up at the brewery, Dustin is enjoying the open ocean and the pristine coastline along the Central Coast.
Watch the 805 Authentico short film on Dustin and his love for fishing on the 805 YouTube channel.

“I love fishing! I am an avid ocean fisherman and catch anything from Rock Cod, Salmon, Halibut, Tuna, Wahoo, Shark, or whatever is biting and tastes good. I have a small boat and when weather is nice you can find me on it.” – Dustin Kral