Well, it turns out Oaktoberfest chatter isn’t just in the beer garden. 

In fact, a lot of people have been talking about it. And, how could they not? The latest edition of our signature, seasonal oak-aged lager is delicious. Have you had a sip? Not only will it make you say, oh mein güteness, but it also will have you running to find your nearest stein, that old pair of lederhosen that’s been gathering dust in your closet since your semester abroad, and finding actual oompah playlists on Spotify. 

We can talk about it all day, of course. But that’s what this blog is for. We want to show off how everyone else is enjoying Oaktoberfest here, though. So, we put together a list of some of our favorite reviews for you to read right here. 

Grab a can of Oaktoberfest from the fridge, fill up a glass, and sit back while enjoying the delicious beer in your hand that everyone else agrees is delicious as well.