Oh mein güteness, is it that time of year already? Yeah, that’s right, Oaktoberfest has returned.
A Firestone Walker Classic returns for 2024, and it’s better, tastier, and more festive than ever before. But before we have you wash out your stein, grab your lederhosen, and get ready for a proper Prost, let’s get a breakdown on it all.
The 2024 Oaktoberfest Oak Aged Lager is rolling out to all Firestone Walker markets in 6-pack (12-oz cans) and draft rotations right now. Does it get better than that? Actually, it does, because you don’t even need a ticket to Munich to enjoy it. In fact, you can get it at one of our three locations or use our Beer Finder to locate it near you now.

As always, Oaktoberfest is an oak-inspired homage to the iconic “fest biers” that are synonymous with Germany’s legendary Oktoberfest celebrations.
“Oaktoberfest is a beer that has stood the test of time,” Brewmaster Matt Brynildson told us. “In fact, I believe that more and more craft drinkers are yearning for beers like Oaktoberfest. There’s a certain nostalgia to the style—smooth, sessionable, flavorful and malt-forward. It’s the kind of beer that you naturally crave as summer turns to fall.”
An oak-inspired homage to the great German tradition of Oktoberfest, Oaktoberfest’s matured in French oak barrels creates an amazingly smooth mouthfeel that’ll have you saying, “ja,” after each sip.

Oaktoberfest has been a seasonal staple at Firestone Walker dating back to its inaugural release in 2006. The recipe has evolved over the years, but recent tweaks have only taken the beer to new heights.
A portion of the beer is lagered in French oak barrels inherited from one of Napa Valley’s top cult wineries. If you want to get into the details, these barrels are stored at a temperature of 3°C for optimal lagering conditions. But just know that, as an oak-matured fest bier, Oaktoberfest speaks to our brewery’s longtime fascination with wooden vessels.
In fact, the beer that started it all for Firestone Walker in 1996, Double Barrel Ale is partially fermented in a “union” of American oak barrels. We were also at the forefront of the bourbon barrel ageing movement with our Anniversary Ale in 2006. And since we’re still talking fun facts, the name Oaktoberfest is actually a nod to our brewery’s home of Paso Robles, which is Spanish for “Pass Of The Oaks.” We swear we didn’t fully plan things out to be this way, but it’s nice that it worked out.

German Ingredients, Central Coast Brewing
The ingredients here are decidedly German: Weyermann Vienna malt, Weyermann pilsner malt, noble German hops (Tradition and Spalter Select), and classic 34/70 Weihenstephan lager yeast. Oaktoberfest’s light amber color foreshadows its toasty, biscuity flavor. The oak-barrel lagering allows for an even smoother texture, all while remaining true to the beer’s crisp malt profile and hints of noble hops. Oh, and the checkered blue and white pattern on the can echo the Bavarian flag and pays homage to the beer’s style.

“Oaktoberfest is rich in flavor but also light-bodied and easy to drink,” Matt said. “Which makes it enjoyable on warm and cool days alike.”
Use our Beer Finder to locate Oaktoberfest near you. Or, come by any of our three locations and grab a cold six-pack or draft pour today.